Owr History

This is a digital library that is meant to inspire people to learn about history and make learning fun. We don’t use the fluffy, ancient sounding language that most textbooks and pretentious history professors use. Instead, we hope to convey the fascinating stories of our past in a humorous and informative manner which should prove useful to students and history lovers alike. History is traditionally taught as a subject of memorization, where the same names and dates are pounded into our brains to prepare us for a test. However, despite what the modern school system would have us believe, that is not how history is meant to be taught. History is meant to be a story–I mean it’s in the name after all–one that inspires and intrigues us with complex morals, characters, and themes that can be explored from every angle.

We teach history to inspire, intrigue, and inform people

Support Our Mission

If you would like, and are financially able to, we would really appreciate any and all donations. This website is continuously being updated and any support goes a long way. As we continue to add articles and grow, we work towards providing accurate, intriguing, and helpful information that fosters a passion for learning. If there is any information you feel we have gotten wrong, or if you simply would like to see a topic represented in our articles, feel free to reach out and ask, we only require that you be polite.