
Our Mission

Owr Learning exists to help inspire people to learn our history. I mean, it’s in the name “Owr History,” this website provides articles and information about history from around the world. As someone who went through the American education system, I was constantly discouraged by how we were taught history. It was a game of memorization, where every year we’d learn about the same people and events, killing any passion or desire to know more. Luckily, I had been inspired to learn history since I was young, when my parents would tell me stories of amazing individuals and climactic wars. In my opinion, this is how history is meant to be taught, as a series of stories that can provide an insight into our past and inspire us going into the future. Through this website I hope to propagate that style of teaching, and present history as it was meant to be presented. It is my hope that, due to these articles, people–both students and curious individuals–can reinvigorate that passion that the educational system so often takes from us. Accurate information does not have to be boring information, and history does not have to be taught as a memorization assignment of a few great men and important dates.

The Face Behind It All

Though I might say “we” and “our” a lot in my writing, this is honestly just hopeful language. It is my dream to grow enough to where I can bring in other people, but in its current state that is not possible. My name is Owen Reich, and I am the founder, chief editor, and owner of Owr Learning/Owr History. I am currently a senior in high school and I have been inspired by history my entire life. The first two dogs my family got were named “Genghis” and “Khan” after all, so really it runs in the family. While I am not a historian nor do I have a history degree, I make sure to do my research and cite my sources at the end of every article. With that being said, everyone makes mistakes, so if I make one please reach out and let me know. I am constantly working on this website, with a goal of writing one article a week, though as I get older and go into college it will be hard for me to make time. It has always been my dream to teach history, however unfortunately in America teachers are not paid well enough for me to seriously consider making it my career. With that being said, this website is my hopeful remedy for that problem, and as it gets more popular I will continue to expand it and add on to it until I am able to make it my full time job. This is why donations are so helpful, however, and I can’t stress this enough, only donate if you truly want to and are financially able to. Also, the name of the website, “Owr Learning” and “Owr History” are both my initials, OWR, and my solution to the url “ourhistory.com” already being taken. Thank you for listening and wanting to learn history, and I hope this website proves helpful.

Support Our Mission

If you would like, and are financially able to, we would really appreciate any and all donations. This website is continuously being updated and any support goes a long way. As we continue to add articles and grow, we work towards providing accurate, intriguing, and helpful information that fosters a passion for learning. If there is any information you feel we have gotten wrong, or if you simply would like to see a topic represented in our articles, feel free to reach out and ask, we only require that you be polite.